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  • Nordic ski group lessons for adults

    Nordic ski group lessons for adults

    Proposé par ESI La Faucille-Mijoux-La Vattay

    à partir de 30

    Two techniques: classic or skating.


    • Introduction to classic cross-country skiing:
    A class for all those wanting to try cross-country skiing for the first time or who haven’t been on skis for a long while.
    Learn how to glide, slow down, stop and turn, everything necessary to enjoy a ski outing independently and
    improve ones fitness levels. Classic ski style.

    • Introduction to Skating:
    Already possessing the basic skills of the classic style, this class will enable you to develop in depth the techniques
    necessary for skating. Train for a specific goal (for example the Transjurassienne or other races) or hone your
    fitness levels for the summer season (all endurance sports, trail running, triathlon, cycling, etc.)

    • Advanced Skating:
    Having mastered the basic skills of skating, this class will enable you to continue to improve your technique.

    The session comprises:
    • Learning the different skating steps (one-step, two-step, combined-step and step turn)
    • Fluidity of movement.
    • Changing direction, slowing down.
    • Adapting the different steps to the terrain.
    • Improving balance and efficiency of movement.
    • Personalised video to aid correction of technique.
    • Learning waxing techniques (if of interest).

    Further Info and Enquiries: 06 11 23 23 73 or